Sunday, October 18, 2009

Looking Up...

Delicate clouds hang,

Suspended animation,

Shadows on concrete

Friday, July 31, 2009

I Cannot Write A Poem

When I sit down to write a poem,
The words come tumbling down my pen and
Arrange themselves on the paper.
But not today.
When I step out my door,
Prejudices hit me with a force and
Attack my mind with animosity.
But not today.
When I sing a lullaby,
The floating wraith of sleep is driven away and
Advances on slumber as predator on prey.
But not today.
When I aim to love,
The emotion evades me and
Apathy assembles as I watch the world burn.
But not today.

I am not sure I like this poem..... any improvement thoughts?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Song of Day and Night

O'er the lip of hollow's hill,

The moon pulling up sun by a spider's web,

Hefting day over her shoulder,

She sinks under the horizon,

Entangling the stars in her black hair,

Slipping into the realm of stars and white luminosity

Giving up the world to sun's heat.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this poem better?